The conference will feature talks by the following invited speakers:
- Dimitry Basov (Columbia)
- Eun Ah Kim (Cornell)
- Päivi Törmä (Aalto)
- Andrei Bernevig (Princeton)
- Atac Imamoglu (ETH)
- Dimitry Efetov (Munich)
- Hector Ochoa (DIPC/Columbia)
- Laura Classen (MPI-FKF, Stuttgart)
- Alexey Berdyugin (Manchester)
- Sid Parameswaran (Oxford)
- Jeanie Lau (Ohio State)
- Xiaodong Xu (U. Washington)
- Stevan Nadj-Perge (Caltech)
- Daniel Parker (Harvard)
- Jane (Jeong Min) Park (MIT)
- Mikito Koshino (Osaka)
- Leni Bascones (ICMM, Madrid)
- Rafael Fernandes (Minnesota)
- Carmen Rubio-Verdú (Columbia)
- Pierre Pantaleon (IMDEA, Madrid)
- Klaus Ensslin (ETH)
- Yuval Oreg (Weizmann)
- Jennifer Cano (Stony Brook)
- Eli Zeldov (Weizmann)
- Jeil Jung (Seoul)
- Cecile Repellin (CNRS Grenoble)